背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 廣告專區
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Dec 4th 2014, 15:41, by a0976418526

一群用實際行動去感動人的鹿港小孩 怎把一杯清水喝的有味道呢? 其實只要心境變瞜您也能享受在慢活中 其實幸福很簡單 只要知足便滿足 用心聽完他喔 不管您來自哪裡 相信你能受到他們要傳達的意念

Group with real action to move people Lukang children how to drink a glass of water to taste it? In fact, as long as the mood changed Lou you can enjoy in slow living in fact, happiness is very simple as long as they meet the intention of listening to his contentment Oh Whether you come from where are they going to believe that you can be subject to convey ideas

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