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Nov 12th 2014, 10:45, by 希平方


外幣(foreign currency)其實就是外匯市場(foreign exchange market)中的商品,市場的供需狀況左右了此項商品的價值:需求增加或是供給減少時,價值會增加;需求減少或供給增加時,價值則會下跌。政府可以藉由調整供給量來操控國內的貨幣價值,此次日幣大跌,正是因為日本實施質量兼備寬鬆政策,大量加印鈔票的結果。



Do you exchange foreign currency? (你們可以換外幣嗎?)
What's the exchange rate for euros? (歐元匯率是多少呢?)
How much is one U.S. dollar worth in New Taiwan dollars?(美金1塊錢兌台幣多少?)


30.7 New Taiwan dollars to 1 U.S. dollars. (30.7 塊新台幣兌一美元。)
The exchange rate is 30.7 New Taiwan dollars for 1 U.S. dollar.(匯率是 30.7 塊新台幣兌一美元。)


I’d like to change some New Taiwan dollars into U.S. dollars, please.(我想把一些新台幣換成美金,麻煩您。)
I want to change 1,000 U.S. dollars.(我想換1000美金。)
I’d like some euros.(我想換些歐元。)


At the current exchange rate, 1,000 U.S. dollars is 30,577 New Taiwan dollars. Here you go.(依照目前的匯率,1,000美金是30,577塊新台幣。這是您的錢。)
Would you like that in large or small bills?(你要大鈔還是小鈔呢?)
In fifties, please. (我想要50元的鈔票,麻煩您。)

出外旅遊,盡量尋找大型的銀行兌換外幣,除了要注意匯率變動以外,也要留意手續費(foreign currency exchange fees),衡量手上的財務狀況,再決定要兌換多少錢。

影片來源:Exchange Rates

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